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Vassar College Men's Soccer  |  Poughkeepsie, NY

Welcome and thank you for visiting the Vassar College Men's Soccer Camps' Website. For more information about our camps, click on the links above.

Camps are open to any and all entrants (limited only by number, age, grade level and/or gender).

Event Dates Grades Deadline Cost Register
ID Camps | May 18th 05/18/2025 9th - 12th Grade as of Fall 2024 05/17/2025 See Prices Register
ID Camps | August 1st & 2nd 08/01/2025 - 08/02/2025 10th - College Freshman Grade as of Fall 2024 07/31/2025 See Prices Register
* Discounts may apply.

2025 ID Camps

The Vassar College Men's Soccer ID Clinics expose prospective student-athletes to a soccer environment that focuses on the technical and tactical aspects of collegiate soccer.  They  provide an in-depth look at the soccer facilities, coaches' philosophies and playing style, the admission process, and Vassar as a school.  The coaching staff use these camps as a major recruiting tool and limit the numbers to ensure that participants are  given every consideration.

Event Registration Details
Spring ID Camps
Open to Graduation Years: 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.
One Day - $185 ($175 + $10 Fee)
May 18th Register


Event Schedule Details
May Schedule
9:00 a.m. Registration
9:30 a.m. Session I - Warm Up & 11v11 Games
11:45 a.m. Lunch - Gordon Commons
12:45 p.m. Campus Tour
1:45 p.m. College Talk
2:15 p.m. Session II - Small Sided Games
4:30 p.m. Closing
Event Registration Details
Summer ID Camps
Open to Graduation Years: 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, Transfers
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Cost: $192
One Day - $ ($180 + $12 Fee)
Both Days - $313 ($295 + $18 Fee)
**Save $25 if you register EARLY through June 15th**
August 1st & 2nd Register


Event Schedule Details
August Day 1 Schedule
9:00 a.m. Registration - J.L. Weinberg Field Sports Pavilion
9:30 a.m. Session I - Warm Up & 11v11 Games
11:45 a.m. Lunch - Gordon Commons
12:45 p.m. Campus Tour
2:15 p.m. Session II - Warm Up & Small Sided Games
4:30 p.m. Closing
August Day 2 Schedule
9:00 a.m. Registration - J.L. Weinberg Field Sports Pavilion
9:30 a.m. Session I - Warm Up & 11v11 Games
11:45 a.m. Lunch - Gordon Commons
1:00 p.m. College Talk
2:15 p.m. Session II - Warm Up & Small Sided Games
4:30 p.m. Closing

Meals & What to Bring:   

  • Lunch will be provided only for the participant
  • Campers should bring their own water bottles and towels
  • Campers should bring their own sunscreen
  • Locker rooms and showers will not be available following the clinic


Please click here for directions to J.L. Weinberg Sports Pavilion. The facility is located at the intersection of Hooker Avenue and Brewers Lane. The facility features three practice fields, one of Division III’s premier game fields in Gordon Field, and athletic training, shower, laundry and rehab facilities.


Lodging is not included, but Vassar does have many great hotels within a short distance  of campus, including some within walking distance. To find a hotel that fits your needs, please click here for the College’s official list of hotels.


The Vassar College Office of Admissions offer tours and information sessions throughout the year. To learn more about a tour at Vassar College, click here. Online pre-registration is encouraged, but walk-in visitors are always welcome.